Monday, 9 November 2015


I missed filming with my group so I had to film on my own. I found it easier when I was on my own rather than working in a group with other people because I felt like the actors listened to me more than they would if we was in a group and it was all my own ideas. I did find it difficult when thinking of different shots to use and how I could portray them to the audience, but in the end it turned out well and it all went together like the action match for example. I used a tripod throughout the whole clip because it was a lot easier to film as I used a pan a couple of times as well as doing still shots which wouldn’t have worked if I was filming without a tripod because the clips wouldn’t have look professional and they would have been very shaken. I positioned the camera in a few different positions but mostly in the 2 corners of the room so it’s an over shoulder shot throughout the conversation between both characters so we can see both the facial expressions of one and the body language of the other. During filming at the start I had very good natural light so we didn’t need to use any lighting equipment but once inside the dark room when the characters were sat behind the table we had to use quite a bit of the lighting equipment because the room was surrounded in black curtains which gave a very mysterious feel to the video but we then use artificial lighting which kept the dark feeling to the video but it brightened up the characters and the curtain. We used the lighting equipment because otherwise the clip would have been very dark, too dark to see all the props and the little aspects of the video.

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